The first woman certified Value Specialist ,from SAVE international in Africa and Middle East
Whatsapp VECG : +201225222004 hours: 24/7
- consultancy services
Dr.Jacqueline has 20 years of experience with more than 12 years of experience as a CVS Certified Value Specialist, that’s why she has a the wide experience ,in value engineering, ,to improve your projects ,products or services’ value by reducing costs up to 30{26c2181859d2243465643843d1ea0f9bf93ff5cea627eeef64438946f52105af} without sacrificing quality .
Dr.Jacqueline Fahmy is an approved instructor for VMF Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 &2 .
More than 530 certified AVS or VMA were trained by Dr.Jacqueline during the 12 years of experience as an approved instructor for the value Methodology courses
Virtual and in-person training in English/ Arabic/ French
Are you interested to start correct steps toward CVS ?
More than 25 universities ‘professors around the worlds had attended module 1 or VMF1 with Dr.Jacqueline ,
One of Dr.Jacqueline Fahmy trainees is now a certified CVS and other 4 CVS candidates are close to become certified from SAVE international.
- Positions
Dr.Jacqueline is the president of Value Engineering Consultants Group (Egypt, Emirates and KSA) , She is the president of SAVE international-Eastern Mediterranean & Africa Chapter
2016 -June 2021,Dr. Jacqueline was the director of member and head of all SAVE International chapters to represent the unique Arabian Woman in SAVE board of directors.
- Certificates
Dr.Jacqueline is a MSc &PhD holder. Her PhD thesis was based on the application Value Engineering and her Master of Sciences was related to project management.

Dr.Jacqueline Fahmy has 2 accounts on LinkedIn to reply your inquiries regarding Value engineering and other value improvement techniques