Value Methodology Associate (VMA)

Value Methodology Associate (VMA) is a recognition designed for individuals who are new to the Value Methodology field and have received basic Value Methodology training. This entry level certification is encouraged for those desiring to have on-going involvement in Value Management. If desired, after gaining some experience, a VMA may advance to Certified Value Specialist (CVS).

Becoming Certified

To achieve VMA certification, one must:

  • Complete an approved Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 (VMF 1) course [VMF 1 is a 32-hour course that teaches the basics of the Value Methodology.]
  • Submit and pay the required application and fee
  • Successfully pass the VMA exam

Value Methodology Fundamentals 1

The Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 (VMF 1) is a 32-hour course delivered by SAVE International approved instructors that introduces the SAVE International Value Methodology Core Competencies expected of a Value Methodology Associate (VMA), and must be completed in order to sit for the VMA exam. The VMF 1 course contains lecture, discussion, practice and review to deliver the core competencies aligning with basic value understanding. This course can be combined with real or case workshop activity which may require additional time beyond 32 hours to complete.

Who should attend?

  • For everyone interested to become a certified Value Methodology Associate VMA from SAVE international
  • For everyone eager to learn how to improve the value of projects, products or services.
  • For everyone eager to reduce costs without sacrificing quality nor needed functions .
  • No prerequisite for this course at all.
  • Not limited to engineers but required for all decision makers

Course Objectives

Technical skills

  • The course will equip trainees with the required competency levels necessary to professionally participate in the Value Engineering Workshops.
  • It will guide you how to pass successfully your VMA exam in one week from the course completion.
  • The course will increase your knowledge and skills related to value Methodology and change your mind set for how to manage costs through innovative changes.
  • Distinguish the difference between cost reduction and value engineering to prevent proposing pre-mature proposals that could affect the life cycle cost or the quality level negatively.
  • The applications will be on product, projects, or process.
  • Doing all the value models in a professional way like cost model, areas model, quality..etc
  • How to get the VE study objectives from data transformation
  • Being professional in function analysis and how to distinguish between functions and activities, how to take a corrective action to prevent wrong function identification.
  • How to classify and organize functions .
  • Knowing The VE common language represented in the structure of FAST diagram
  • Learning new tools and techniques for creativity, evaluation
  • Learning many economic evaluation techniques like payback period, NPV, breakeven in addition to the full applications of life cycle costing calculations .
  • Learning how to draft VEPs Value Engineering Proposals and how to sell your ideas .

The course is not only a theoretical course (from SAVE international slides only) to pass VMA exam, but it’s a practical course in which you should apply all the taught tools and techniques on a project. 

These are Few reviews about VMF1 ( The prerequisite training course for VMA Value Methodology Associate)

    Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 Reviews about VMF1
Value Methodology Fundamentals 1

Course Materials

virtual Classes

  • SAVE International training materials ( VMF1 Slides)
  • Function Analysis guide
  • Value Methodology – Pocket guide
  • In addition to VECG materials and excel sheets required for full applications during the course.
  • 3 platforms are used to make you enjoy the applications, and feel that you are in a true VE workshop doing each phase of the VE job plan.

The nature of this training course is to allow a full range of participation. 

As per SAVE international, It is recommended that the class for the VMF 1 course have no more than ten (10) participants in any one class to allow the instructor to ensure each participant is able to participate and engage.

Certified Value Specialist

Attendance Certificate

  • Upon completion ,VMF1 certificate will be issued to all the attendees.
  • Attending VMF1 with a licensed trainer (approved by SAVE International) is the unique pre-requisite for VMA exam.
VECG is the factory of VMA & CVS

Course Duration

For the online : 

We are providing 40 hrs of intensive training.

  • 10 evening lectures in 2 successive weeks from Saturdays to Wednesdays ( Thursdays and Fridays off)
  • In the first week, we cover the introduction, the preparation (Pre-workshop) , the information Phase, 60 {26c2181859d2243465643843d1ea0f9bf93ff5cea627eeef64438946f52105af} from the function analysis phase.
  • In the second week, we cover the remaining 40{26c2181859d2243465643843d1ea0f9bf93ff5cea627eeef64438946f52105af} from the function analysis, creativity, Evaluation, Development and Presentation & Implementation (Post-workshop).
  • Optional : Free Intensive Revision + Free Mock up exam.
  • Extra advanced Mock up exams are available for additional fees but limited to VECG trainees only.
For the in-person training:

We are providing 40 hrs of intensive training.

  • 5 lectures (full day) . Same content + Free Intensive Revision + Free Mock up exam.
  • Extra advanced Mock up exams are available for additional fees but limited to VECG trainees only.