VECG provides 2 types of training :
1- One or 2 days Value Engineering Training (team preparation).
2- Value Methodology Fundamentals VMF 1 & VMF2 (the pre-requisite for the international certification VMA Value Methodology Associate & CVS Certified Value Specialist).
Value Methodology Associate (VMA)
Value Methodology Associate (VMA) is a recognition designed for individuals who are new to the Value Methodology field, and have received basic Value Methodology training.
This entry level certification is encouraged for those desiring to have on-going involvement in Value Management. If desired, after gaining some experience, a VMA may advance to Certified Value Specialist (CVS).
Becoming Certified
To achieve VMA certification, one must:
- Complete an approved Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 (VMF 1) course [VMF 1 is a 32-hour course that teaches the basics of the Value Methodology.]
- Submit and pay the required application and fee
- Successfully pass the VMA exam
To download detailed information about VMF1 Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 in English click here
To download detailed information about VMF1 Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 in Arabic click here
To register for the in person Courses in Cairo and Dubai, click here
To register for the interactive virtual courses, click here
Certified Value Specialist (CVS)
Certified Value Specialist (CVS) is the highest level of certification attainable through the SAVE International Certification Program. This designation is reserved for value specialists who have demonstrated expert level experience and knowledge in the practice of the Value Methodology.
Becoming Certified
To achieve CVS certification, individuals must:
- Select an advisor who is a CVS in good standing
- Complete an approved Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 (VMF 1) course [VMF 1 is a 32-hour course that teaches the basics of the Value Methodology.]
- Pass the VMA exam
- Complete an approved Value Methodology Fundamentals 2 (VMF 2) course [VMF 2 is a 32-hour advanced course that exposes individuals to expanded value topics and greater in-depth instruction in function analysis, facilitation, pre-workshop preparation and post-workshop activities.
- The Value Methodology Fundamentals 2 (VMF 2) course requires attending 2 value studies (minimum of 24 hours each) following the completion of the VMF 1 course.
- Obtain the required certification points (CPs)
- Submit a CVS Application Package
- Receive approval of the application from the SAVE Certification Board
- Pass the CVS exam
To download detailed information about VMF2 Value Methodology Fundamentals 2 in English click here
To download detailed information about VMF2 Value Methodology Fundamentals 2 in Arabic click here
To register for the in person Courses in Cairo and Dubai, click here
To register for the interactive virtual courses, click here